Patents as a Complimentary IP Asset
Panel discussion originally scheduled for INTA Annual Meeting (cancelled) in Singapore (SG) in Apr 2020
Patent experts will discuss these important topics for any brand owner:
- Awareness of the economic power of utility patents as a support for a brand strategies
- What can be patented and what cannot?
- Where is the borderline between uitily and design patents?
- What are the most important grounds for patentability (industrial applicability, novelty, inventive step / nonobviousness)?
- Ways and strategies of getting patents— national (USA), regional (Europe) and international (WIPO/PCT), as well as tips and tricks
- Members of the panel include: Paul Rosenich (Patentbuero Rosenich), Robert C. Faber (Ostrolenk Faber), Felix Hermann (Boehmert & Boehmert), Patsy Koh (Infinitus Law Corporation), Toby Mak (Tee & Howe IP Attorneys), Alkisti-Irene Malamis (Malamis & Associates), Arzu Oguz (Ankara University), Pete Pollard (Fireball Patents).